SSS Pottery Green

Our next SSS is on Wednesday at Pottery Green, Lane Cove. This is traditionally a high attendance map. Richard Morris set the courses but will be away on the day so Brett and I will set out the controls where Richard has tagged the sites. We will need helpers for start, finish, registration and control collection. please let me know if you can help. Brett has suggested we meet at the Longueville Hotel nearby once we have all the controls in.

2020 membership now due 

Please renew online or pay Sharon at SSS if you have not already done so.

Easter 2020

I can highly recommend Easter 2020 in Orange as an orienteering experience not to be missed. We still need helpers for various roles, eg start team. All helpers will be able to compete each day. If you haven't tried bush orienteering and are considering giving it a go, this is the one to go to. If you are unsure I'd be happy to talk it over with you.

Sprint Series

I've put Bennelong down to hold a sprint series event at Cardinals Palace, Manly on Sunday 9th Feb starts from 5pm to 6pm.  If anyone would like to set the course please let me know, I'm happy to be the controller or if no takers, I'll set the course. It would be a great chance to have a club barbeque at Shelley Beach or Little Manly after the event.

Metro League

We've been asked to host a Metro League this year, I'm not sure of the date yet but stressed that it will have to be after Easter. Suggested assembly areas are either Allambie Heights Oval, Aquatic Reserve or Guide Hall at Frenchs Forest. If you would like to set the courses or be a controller for this event please let me know.

Moonlight Madness

Bennelong has traditionally set one of the Moonlight Madness events each winter, if you would like to be a setter this year, please let me know.

New Members

I'd like to welcome new members to Bennelong.
Rob Wildig
Robert Hayen
Dom Pitot
and Samuel Tsang who has moved back to Sydney and rejoined Bennelong.
I've met some of you but please make yourself known and I hope you can make it to Pottery Green on Wednesday. Welcome to Bennelong Northside
Thats a lot to cover and wishing you a successful 2020 everyone.
Terry Bluett

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