Hi all,

We've just come back from an excellent Australian 3 Days/QB3 in Wagga Wagga. [ed. some pics of the arenas on our Facebook page here]
I'd like to congratulate our placegetters, they were:-

It was great to meet up with new Bennelong member, Colin Dominish at Wagga, Colin is the son of Rod Dominish who was a founder of our club as well as the founder of the Waggaroos. Welcome Colin. Colin hasn't orienteered for a long time and he improved everyday in the M45A class.

A great result by Mel Cox, less than a half a minute off 1st, I bet Mel could easily have found those few seconds on the last day.

Steve Flick was dominant in M70 with two 1st and a 2nd on the 3 days.

It was also pleasing to see the Hopper/Lambert  family there. Peter in particular improved each day. Tshinta showed a lot of promise in W16A up against the best juniors in Australia.

The next State Leagues are in Newcastle on 15th/16th July, It would be great if we can get a good rollup at these events. Entries in Eventor will be open soon.

Other coming events are:- Metro League at Glengarry Girl Guides training centre, North Turramurra on 25th June. Let Brett know your availability to run for the club.

Club events coming soon are:-



Terry Bluett

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