2012 was a year when Bennelong Northside had a significant increase in membership. We are now entitled to have 3 delegates to ONSW.  It is also pleasing to see many of our new members setting courses and attending Summer Series events. My hope is that in 2013 I see many of our new members trying out some bush events.

Bennelong organised 13 events in 2012, a very active year.

We entered 3 teams in the Metro League. None won their division but our Div 2 team was a finalist. For 2013 I hope that we can enter 4 teams in the competition. Bennelong pays entry fees for this competition.

The club computer has proved very useful, it is used at all our events, we now have a download unit which has recently been upgraded with the latest software.


Our major event for the year was the NSW Long Championships at Gumble Pinnacle on 9th September. This was a first class event set by Rod Parkin, organised by Rob Spry and controlled by Ron Junghans of Garingal. This area hasn’t been used for several years but it is a championship area and one worth using every few years. Apart from the good work done but Rod and Rob, Steve Flick made the initial contact with the new landowner, who had previously been unwilling to hold orienteering events on his property, and convinced him that orienteering would have no adverse impact on his property. The landowner was happy with the arrangement with Bennelong and it looks like we will be able to continue using this fantastic orienteering area into the future.

The NOSH footrace was jointly organised by Joel Putnam and Darren Slattery for the 2nd year running. The race has settled into the Sunday before QB3 date and has continued to attract a strong running field and continued to be a profitable event for the club and for ONSW. As usual there were many positive comments from the runners. There were innovations this year with a new design for the mugs and higher quality T shirts available for winners and pre-orders.

Our Metro league event was held on 24th June at Pennant Hills for the 2nd year running. And this year it was combined with the Junior League. Terry Bluett set the course.

A club event and CATI at Allambie Heights on July 8th was set by Marina Iskhakova, this was well attended on an area that hasn’t been used for several years.

We held 6 Northern Summer Series events in 2012, 3 in the last half of the 2011-12 season and 3 in the first half of the 2012-13 season. These are very popular events and we rely on club helpers to assist on the night and in each case it was forthcoming. The events were:-

We also held an event in each of the Southern and Western Summer Series, these were held at :-

We also organised the 1st event of the 2012 Sprint Series at Manly Dam on 2nd January.


The major Australian events for 2012 were the Australian 3 days in Queensland at Easter and the Australian Championship carnival in Tasmania in September. Several of our members travelled to these carnivals and enjoyed the high quality orienteering.


In the Australian 3 Days, our placegetters were:-

In the Australian Long Championships our placegetters were:-

Australian Middle Distance Championship

Australian Sprint Championship

Australian Relay Championships

Bennelong Northside organised the NSW Long Championships at Gumble.

Our placegetters were:-

The NSW Middle Distance Championships were held the day before at Kahlis Rocks, a map jointly owned by Bennelong and Garingal, our placegetters were:-

There are plenty of other excellent performances by our members at events throughout the year but space does not allow me to acknowledge them but I wish to congratulate all our members who participated at the many events throughout 2012.


We still store our equipment at 16-18 Cambridge St, Epping. We are paying full commercial rates, we can afford the storage costs but would be happy to take advantage of any cheaper offer if it became available.

During 2012 we purchased a new download unit for the club computer, it has recently been upgraded with the latest software. The inverter/battery failed during the year and it was replaced under warranty.The new one contiunues to give good service to the club.

We are considering purchasing a set of mini flags for summer series events, they are considered most suitable for urban events.

Our website is http://www.bennelongnorthside.com.au/ . Darren Slattery continues to put interesting articles, results and photographs on the web. Please send info to Darren if you want things to go on our website.


During 2012 we welcomed the following new members Brian Brannigan, Stuart Butler, Emily Fewster and family, Melissa Grant and family,Simon Grimes, Nick Hales and family, Louise Scott and family, Richard Pattison, Andrew and Rachel Povah, Digby Pritchard, Mark Savery, Alex Sewell and Karl Supit,

Presidents Áward

For my award this year, I’d like to acknowledge the work of another comparitively new member.

Marina Iskhakova has been instrumental in making our newsletter, Blueprint, a more regular and more interesting publication.

Marina has also done well in competition, she was 1st in W21A at the Australian 3 days in Queensland at Easter. Marina gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter, Veronika on 2nd October, so naturally Marina was not so prominent on the result board later in the year, but Marina is quickly getting to back peak fitness.

Marina set the club event and CATI event at Allambie Heights on July 8th.

This year we held our first club end of year barbeque at Manly Dam just before Christmas. Marina set a course for this function and arranged prizes for the fastest times on the course she set.

Marina has also been active in teaching orienteering in after school care.

I’d like to thank Marina for her enthusiasm and hard work for the club ever since she joined the club with her husband Fedor.

Well done Marina.

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