Sunday December 1 was the second DuO event in the season and the organisers had put on a spectacular event for us! This time round the masses decended on Bluegum Hills Regional Park, just off Newcastle Link Road between the F3 and Newcastle city. The location provided a playground free from dirtbikes with some single track in great condition and fire roads free from erosion. In fact, the single tracks were racked before the event, just for us!

The numbers were down slightly this round at 71, no doubt in part due to the extra distance from Sydney and the clash with the GOanna event, but the atmosphere was still electric with the excitement of the competitors, from rookies and seasoned pros, and the BBQ provided some well-earned nourishment and an opportunity to sit and discuss the course and all matters of the universe with our fellow competitors into the afternoon! Again Bennelong made a showing.

Course Placing Name Time (min:sec)
Bitte Men 8/19 Rodney Parkin 134:18
  16/19 Bob Morgan 198:26
Bitte Women 3/7 Marina Iskhakova 124:14
Twisted Men 18/23 Darren Slattery 152:11
 19/23 Stuart Butler 154:38

The DuO returns to Belanglo on Sunday 10 March. An MTBO event is being planned in the area on the Saturday, making an excellent opportunity for an overnight camp at the Belanglo Hut.


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