Week two down. Time to see who has maintained, who has gained and who the rest of us are.

This week's event was hosted by Garingal at North Epping. If you made it through the Epping Road traffic you will have been greeted with some fireroad and trails in the upper end of the Lane Cove National Park, some steep hills around the streets and some ominous skies at had many grabbing a plastic slip for their map. The National Park and steep slope down to the creek meant it was a long loop running along the top of the map, with just one other entry point. With lots of points along the track you had to venture down there if you wanted a 400+ score. It also gave you a sight of the map's namesake, Whale Rock.

So how did the Bennelong runners' efforts compare to last week?


A distinct lack of Juniors this week, with one of the more western maps. That should change next week when we return to Bennelong's Forty Basket's map in Balgowlah. 

Joel bumped out Brendan by 10 points this week with 500. Joel's course picked up all of the bush controls, whereas Brendan's looked a little longer but focused on streets and fireroad.
Alitia our fastest open woman with 340, after dropping 40 in time penalty (but still 10 ahead after taking on the final loop through 17-16-10). 69 points being a bit behind last week's 75.

Andrew on top again with 490 and 84 points, up from last week's 79! A couple shots of espresso before the run maybe?
Richard and ​Darren both matching their previous performances (450/78 and 440/76).
Brett slipping this week with a route-choice error dropping him from last week's 70 down to 64.

Richard Morris again taking 100 points in the series with a collection of 560 in just 42:47. Only 16 and 17 were left out of Richard's route.
Some good work on the trails by Wayne this week (420/75).

Super Vets
With Mel in walking this week and going for double-category prizes in the series (320/100), that left an opportunity for Rodney Parking to slip in to the Bennelong lead with 380 and 79 series points.

Gordon Wilson again back early with 400 and 82 series points, again foiled by Warwick Selby who took the 100.
Gwen Sewell picking a good route and coming back exactly 1 minute over with 150 in the bag and 54 series points.

No mini this week 🙁

If you ran with a GPS watch, don't forget to upload your run to Routegadget, where you can compare your route choices with other runners.

Next week is a Bennelonger on the great Forty Baskets map. Look out for a little bit of steep road but a nice bit of fun trail and spectacular harbour views. Let Brett know if you can help on the day. Start any time between 4:30 and 6:45pm.

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