Bennelong Northside hosted round 2 of the MetrO League series for 2014. On a new assembly of maps covering the Warringah Aquatic Centre, Manly Dam North and Forestville, David McGhee set some great courses. The bush in the area is quite thick, meaning most controls were kept close to the trails, making it a challenge to pick when to leave the trail with little time to check the map whilst running along the fast but rocky trails. Bennelong took out all 3 divisions for the day, with Division 2 having  bye. Thanks to all the helpers who stayed to pick up controls and pack gear away! We hope to see you all at the Easter orienteering at Rylstone! Results here.

  Division 1          
  Win! Bennelong Northside 29 Uringa-Central Coast 24  
  Division 2          
  Bye Bennelong Northside    
  Division 4          
  Win! Bennelong Northside 39 Uringa-Central Coast 16  
  Division 5          
  Win! Bennelong Northside 36 Uringa-Central Coast 18  


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