It was a cool and foggy morning when we arrived at Cattai National Park on Sunday morning. After a stop at the 'Pay and Display' machine and a dousing of the running shoes with metho (to prevent to spread of Myrtle Rust) we arrived at the event central to be greeted by a nice campground on the banks of the Hawkesbury River. This time on the Cattai South map there were plenty more opportunities to set some easier controls around the campsite and old homestead, yet still have access to some bushy rocky land for the harder courses. Lantana had taken over much of the 'white' in many areas which made the traversing a bit tricky but to some extent it was predictable where it was the thickest and added a challenge to the navigation. Bennelong Northside had a good day, again with lots of blue, green and white in the crowds. We had wins in all but division 3. We were competing against SHOO's top team and our times were all very close, so well done to all  of our runners! Click the pics below for a closer look.

  Division 2          
  Win! Bennelong Northside 29 Big Foot 26  
  Division 3          
  Loss Bennelong Northside 20 Southern Highlands 34  
  Division 4          
  Win! Bennelong Northside 31 Big Foot 23  
  Division 5          
  Win! Bennelong Northside 36 Southern Highlands 19  

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